She was loyal honest and ambitious says an expert after an analysis of Anne’s penmanship.
Anne Frank said so much with her words but the way she wrote them tells us even more. Expert handwriting analyst Kathi McKnight studied examples of the diarist’s handwriting to gain insight into her personality. Looking at the size of her letters, their slant and the pressure applied, McKnight gets as specific as how the T’s are crossed and the I’s dotted.
Generally, the far right slant of Anne’s handwriting “reveals she was indeed an extrovert, sentimental and would wear her heart on her sleeve. Nothing was more important to her than friends and family! And her regularity with the right slant translates to the fact “she was consistent in being a very heart-centered soul.” Anne also wrote mostly in cursive, meaning she was willing to divulge more versus someone who prints. Still, there are frequent breaks between the letters, even within the same word, an indication of “someone who was extremely intuitive.”
Particularly with the letter “O, McKnight points out that Anne often deepened her pressure, which notes “passion.” And the way she writes it, “with no other contaminated markings, or swirls or lines within, it reveals honesty… She is passionately honest and she is passionate about honesty. Similarly, the way she dots her I’s-directly above and close to the stem -means Anne was “very loyal to what she believed in and very attentive to details, and had a very good memory.” The narrowness of her lowercase E’s shows she was capable of scrutinizing situations, while the loops in her L’s indicate “she still had hopes and dreams for the future and they had not yet been destroyed.” That same stroke in her lowercase Y, G and P are long, revealing both Anne’s restlessness and ambition. Overall, Anne’s penmanship is quite neat, says McKnight (kathimcknight.com). “But she wrote quickly, not taking painstaking time to ensure each letter or word was perfect, which tells me she was good at being in the moment and shooting from the hip, yet remaining stable.”

Is an inspirational, vivacious and engaging speaker, certified master graphologist, author, teacher, consultant and holistic health practitioner. Raised in the knowledge and surrounded by generations of doctors and healers, Kathi’s expertise with the Body Mind and Spirit connection comes naturally. These interests naturally gravitated to her interest and master certification in Handwriting Analysis, aka Graphology since 1991, which she has used to make a difference in the professional and personal lives of thousands.
With a Bachelor’s Degree from Iowa State, she moved to Colorado, receiving training and certification to become a practitioner as well as a dynamic instructor at the Colorado School of Healing Arts. Shortly thereafter she received her certification with IGAS and a master certification with the Rocky Mountain Graphology Association
Author of 3 books, she heads up the Rocky Mountain Graphology Association and teaches online courses to learn graphology. She has analyzed many thousands of handwriting samples since 1991 from superstars to Presidents, from the notorious to the sacred, consulting clients and publishes an internationally acclaimed newsletter called M.A.G.I.C.
Kathi McKnight loves to educ-tain (educate and entertain) individuals, groups and companies with her unique abilities and expertise. Audience comments agree she is an outstanding speaker, authentic, engaging and humorous. A natural either behind a mic or in front of a camera, Kathi’s media appearances include television, radio and magazine profiles. Highlights include the Dr. Oz Show, Today Show, FOX News, The Washington Post, Real Simple Magazine, her opinion sought out for a high profile murder trial, featured in the cover story for TEEN Magazine and more.